About Me

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I started bootcamp at Team Crossfit Academy in Monrovia, Ca in September 2010 after becoming fed up with what was staring back at me in the mirror. I decided to make a change. I completed 2 cycles of bootcamp and in January 2011 I had built up enough confidence to try the Crossfit fundamentals. I have been doing Crossfit half-assed ever since. Don't get me wrong, I love it...Nothing brings me greater joy than deadlifting...but I'm still sick of what I see in the mirror. The only thing that's changed is that I can lift more weight, I still eat like crap. I realize now that I MUST change my diet...drastically! March 28th marks the start of a 90 day "Paleo Challenge". This is a brutally honest look at my journey...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Back at it...

I've been kin of MIA on here for a couple of days. It's been super busy here at work. Ok so it's officially been a week. My headaches have stopped and I'm feeling more and more confident every day. I say that now, but I have had my weak moments. Believe me! I went and worked out on Monday night and added 10 lbs to my 5RM, but I could tell I wasn't performing well. The weight felt heavy and it shouldn't have. One of my coaches said that for the first week my performance might decrease, but then I will be out-performing myself in no time. She was right, my performance did decrease...to zero. I actually rolled my ankle on Monday after doing my squats and presses. I didn't even get to finish my WOD. I went over to my friend's parents house yesterday and she scenared my ankle. The improvement is amazing...I went from having a softball on the side of my ankle to being 90% in less than 12 hours. I'm still really sore from Mondays workout though, I hope it's not going to continue to take me this long to recover. That would suck.

Now on to this morning's challenge/thought of the day. I got to work and after being here for like half an hour, 2 dozen doughnuts were delivered. :::sigh::: My coworker told me she was leaving to get them so I prepared my breakfast in the mean time. I had 2 hard boiled eggs, 2 pieces of bacon and a turkey sausage patty that I had made from a recipe on Jessica's blog. I went and sat down right next to those doughnuts and ate my breakfast. It was hard, but I stopped a coworker that had been on the right track from making a bad decision so it was worth it. It just got me thinking though. I mean we are trying to woo/impress/court/brownnose/whatever you want to call it with a fire department that we are trying to contract with and we get them doughnuts? Really? Are we hoping that they will slip into a sugar coma and we can then sign the contracts using their lifeless hands? Like I said before, I've got a long way to go, but damn it's amazing to see how far I've come in just 8 days. I'm going to go shopping and buy a cute bowl or basket or something and fill it with healthy alternatives...oranges, apples, pears, etc. I'm also going to try and get some inspiring quotes framed to have on my desk. For now, actually probably forever, my mantra will be: "One choice at a time".

P.s...in 8 days I haven't had a single cheat or slip up...I am a warrior!

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