About Me

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I started bootcamp at Team Crossfit Academy in Monrovia, Ca in September 2010 after becoming fed up with what was staring back at me in the mirror. I decided to make a change. I completed 2 cycles of bootcamp and in January 2011 I had built up enough confidence to try the Crossfit fundamentals. I have been doing Crossfit half-assed ever since. Don't get me wrong, I love it...Nothing brings me greater joy than deadlifting...but I'm still sick of what I see in the mirror. The only thing that's changed is that I can lift more weight, I still eat like crap. I realize now that I MUST change my diet...drastically! March 28th marks the start of a 90 day "Paleo Challenge". This is a brutally honest look at my journey...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

this sucks!

Today is a rough day...I mean it's actually been rough the whole time, but today my brain is on overdrive thinking about naughty things. I want chocolate chip cookies and chocolate/peanut butter ice cream from Baskin Robbins. 2 scoops actually, in a waffle cone. :( For a very long time I have derived pleasure from food. Now that it's now longer about "what sounds good to eat", I kinda feel miserable. I mean I used to think about what I wanted to eat, and I would go and eat it...and I was happy. Now, I can't have what I want, I choose instead to eat what my body needs...and I kinda just want to cry. I just have to remind myself how miserable I was when I quit smoking. Time slowed down and the first couple of months dragged on and on...the days took forever to pass. Thats how it feels now. I know these feelings won't last forever, but I sure as hell wish I had a fast forward button today... :::sigh:::

But I'm still sticking to it...

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